
اول سؤال:
Commas (,)
A-Use a comma before a coordinating  conjuction (and-but-for-
nor-yet) joining independt clauses in a sentence.

Ex. congress passed the bill, and the president signed it into law.
B-Use comma to separate words, phrases, and clauses in a
Boccaccio's tales have inspired playes, film operas, and paiting
C-Use a comma between coordinate adjectives - adjective that
separately modify the same noun.
Ex.The new regime imposed harsh,repressive laws.
D-Use commas to set off a parenthetical comment, or an aside, if
it is brief and closely related to the rest of the sentence:
Ex.The textdors, for example, ruled for over a century.
E-Use commas to set off a nonrestrictive modifier - a modifier
that is  not essential to the meaning:

Ex.The color of the costume, blue, acquires symbolic meaning in the story.
F- Use a comma after along intrductory phrase or clause
Ex.After years of anxiety over the family's finances, linda loman looks forward to the day the mortgage will be paid off.
G-Use commas to set off alternative or contrasting phrases.
Ex.The king remains a tragic figure, however appalling his actions
H-Use a comma in a date whose order is month , day , and year,
If such a date comes in the middle of a sentence , include a comma after the year.

Ex . Martin luther king , It , was born on january 15 , 1929 , and died on April 4 , 1968.

:Rewrite the sentence as shown between brackets

1.Our former dean , Professor George , donated his entire library to the university. (pick out the predicate)

Answerdonated his entire library to the university 

2. To graduate early had become a necessity for Marissa.(pick out the verbal phrase) Answer :to graduate early

3.While playing teams .Ali fell down (pick out the verb phrase)

Answer:Fell down

4.Student standing around did not ask question. ( Is the underlined phrase a gerund or participle?)


5. With great feeling . Martin luther king express his dream of freedom.(What is the function of the prepositional phrase?)


6.After supper is too late.(What is the function of the prepositional phrase?)


7.johnnycake,akind of cornbread, is a new england specialty.(what kind of phrase is the underlined?)

Answer:appositive phrase

8.The lunch having been packed, We were ready to go .(pick out the absolute phrase)

Answer:The lunch having been packed

9.The boy chased the dog,but he couldn't catch him . (Identify whether the underlined clause is idependent or subordinate.)

10. Dennis finished his breakfast and went to school . (Identify whether the sentence is simple, compound , or complex)


11.I totaled my ear so i bought a new one , oven though I had planned to wait . (What is the sentence form?

AnswerCompound complex sentence.

12.Because I totaled my car , i bought a new one.

(identify whether the sentence is simple compound. or complex)


13.I forgive you because you are my friend.(Identify the function of the underlined clause )

Answer: Modifier as an adverb (adverbial clause)

14.Having finished my homework iwent to bed.(what is the grammatical mistake here called)

Answer:sentence fragment

15.Ali goes to school , he studies hard. (what is the grammatical mistake here called)

Answer comma splice

16. His train arrived early no one was waiting for him .(what is the grammatical mistake here called)

Answerfused sentence .

17.They found samuel trustworthy.(Identify the function of the adjective)

Answer: Object complement

18.This movie is awesome. (Identify the function of the adjective)

AnswerObject complement

19.I'm happy to leave.(identify the function of the verbal)


20.We study to succed.(identify the function of the verbal )


21.The jury was unable,under the circumstances. to convict the defendant.

22.Arne says that he means to leave the country in the first paragraph.
(Correct the sentence)
Answer:Arne says in the first paragraph that means to leave the country 

23.Tuning the television to Cnn,the state of the union speech reached millions of voters.(what is the grammatical mistake in the modifier called)
Dangling modifier 

24.He don't keep no records. (what is the grammatical mistake here called)

Answer :double negative

25.His cat is pretty (Identify the case of the pronoun)

Answer:possessive case.

26.Whom did you meet? (Identify the case of the interrogative pronoun )

Answer:Objective case 

27.What do you like coffee or tea? (Why this sentence is incorrect )

Answer :which (selection from limited number )but what (selection from unlimited number )

28.Jake , himself , brought it here.(What kind is the pronoun)

Answer:intensive pronoun

29.Jake saw a picture of himself (what kind is the pronoun )

Answer :reflexive pronoun 

30.He drinks in a .....cup.(Provide a material adjective)


Chapter 1 :Sentence essentials

Kind of sentences:

1.Declarative:makes a statement
2.imperative :gives a command makes a reque.
3.Interrogative:asks a question
4.Exclamatory:Makes exclamations

parts of spech:
1.Noun (n)
2.Verb (v)
3Adjective (adj
5preposition (prep)
6Pronouns (pron)

Averb:is a word which expresses either action or a state of being.

 compound verb :

Example <====== Ali can read write english

Phrasal verb : Verb +particle (prepositions such as

Example <======Take off

Helping verbs (Auxiliary)
(Verb to be verb to do -verb to have - Modal auxilarshall,will,can...,)


He does not read
He is completely lost

verbal or verbal phrase:a word derived from a verb plays the function of noun ,adjective or adverb
1.Gerund:verb+ing( (noun)
.working her is fun

2 participles
*Present participle (verb +ing ) Adjective
*Past participle (verb+ed) (Adjective)
I read an intersting book.
He is a working man
Ibought a used car

Infinitive:Noun adj and adv

To work here is fun  Noun

I have nothing to do  Adjective

It is easy to go        Adverb

Question in the final test :Is the infinitive a verbal :yes or no ? yes

Sentence consists of subject and predicate

1.Subject (Intransitive لازم verb)
2.Subject (trasitive متعدى verb)
3.Subject (ditransitive متعدى لمفعولين ver+io+do) He gave me a rose
4.Subject verb +Se                 He is adoctor
5.Subject verb +o+oc              They make him a doctor

io<======== indirect object
do<========direct object
Sc<========subject compiement
Oc<========object complement
Subject,object,complement:Noun or pronoun or group of words
acting as noun such as (father in law-swimming pool - labor day)

1.countable<=======individual items (singular-plural)
           a.abstract concept:(love-with-fear)
           c. collection :(people - audience - class)
Nouns can be absolute phrase or direct address

1.Direct address (independent of sentence)
Dina,have you seen my sister?
2.Absolute phrase :(الجمله الاعتراضيه,) Noun +modifier
All protests aside ,he will repay the loan immediately

kind of sentences (Verb+Subject):
       1.Question:did ali come home?
       2.Expletives:There is a man in the room.
            its easy to talk.
            it's ali who comes.
       3.ImperativeThe subject is understood
             (you) Come home
             (you) close the window.
            Chapter two
A sentence aceording to strucure:consists of a clause or more.

A clause :is a group of words that has a firite verb and make complete sense.
    Ex:Ali goes to school.

A phrase :is a agroup of words that has one of the parts of speech as its head/object (Noun -verb -Adjective - Adverb).

 Type of phrases
1.Noun phrase (may be subject or object )
 the man = noun phrase
 the beautiful rose = noun phrase
the car which is red = noun phrase
    Ex:The heavy frost (s)killed fruit trees (o)
Question in the final test :James got high grades in the exam . (pick the noun phrase )  
 Answer: High grades
2.Verb phrase:
had read=verb phrase
has been writing = ver phrase
  Ex. The flowers have wilted (predicate).

3.Verbal phrase:

    a.Gerund noun phrase (may be a subject or object)
     b. Infinitive (may be a subject or object)
Ex.To graduate early had become a necessity for marissa.
(Infinitive phrase serving as the subject )

c. participle be a modifier(adjective - adverb)
 ExStudents standing around did not ask question

4. prepositional phrase:
Structure <=========== preposiition object (noun or pronoun)
Ex. On campus
On (preposition)
Campus (object of preposition)


1.modifier:(adjectival phrase-adverbial phrase)
Ex.with great feelings, martin, king expressed his dream of freedom.
With great feelings:(tells us about king's manner)
of freedom (makes the kind of dream specific)
2. subject:Ex:After supper is too late

Phrasal preposition
In spite of a long with
       5.Appositive phrase:
      __________________ mr ahmed , is my best blog. .

6.Absolute phrase :a group of words that is grammatically independent of the sentence .Its subject is not the same subject of the clause.
Structure of the sentence:Absolute phrase, clause (Subject +Predicate)
Structure of the absolute phrase : Noun /Pronoun+Participle+Modifier
Ex:The sun being hot ,we stayed home.

                                Types of clauses

1.Independent clause (main clause)
-It has the same structure as a simple sentence.
-It contains a subject and a predicate.
- It has a complete meaning and can stand alone.


2-Subordinate clause (dependent clause)
-it's meaning is incomplete and it cannot stand alone
                   forms of sentences
1-Simple sentence
one independent clause(subject+predicate)
Ex.I totaled my car.

2-compound sentence
one independent clause+coordinating conjunction +independent clause
Exi totaled my car , so i bought a new one.

3-complex sentence

dependent clause (subordinate) + independent clause
Ex: because i totaled my car , i bought a new one

4- compound -complex sentence
independent clause +coordinating conjuction +independent clause + dependent clause
Ex.Itotaled my car ,so i bought a new one ,even though i had planned to wait.
                   the function of dependent clause
It can be used as a subject ,object and a modifier (adjectival clause - adverbial clause )
what you say is correct (subject -noun clause )
i believe what you say .(object --noun clause)
i met him at 8 o'clock when everyone was home.  modifier (adverbial clause)
 i forgive you because you are my friend             modifier (adverbial clause)
the town where my sister lives is special            modifier ( adjectival clause )

chapter 3 sentence fragment

Sentence fragment : a group of words that  begin with a captal letter and ends with a period but it is not a sentence, it is a phrase or a subordinate clause .
He enjoy flowers and shrube which help screen his yard from the street

1.Subject is missing
Ex<===Woke up early
2.Verb is missing
Ex<====Ali Early
3.Subject and verb are missing
Ex<====Early in the morning
Subordinate clause
After ali worke up early
because i'm sick
the man who is tall

Revise a sentense fragment (phrase )
1 To make the phrase into a sentence by supplying the missing element
Ex.Goes home early
Ali goes home early

2.To attach the fragment to a related sentence:

Revise a sentence fragment clause:
1.Attach the fragment to the related sentence.
1.Ali ate early.when he came home.
Ali ate early when he came home
2.Use colon (:)and delete the conjunction
2.Remove the subordinating conjunction and supply the missing elements
3.Reduce the fragment to a modifier and include it in the related sentence.
Ex:He bought a car.which is expensive
He bought an expensive car

comma splices and fused sentences:
happen in the compound sentence when joining the two independent clauses incorrectly
Ali goes to school ,he studies hard        comma splices (comma fault)
Ali goes to school he studies hard          fused sentence (run -on sentence )

Revise comma splices and fused sentence
1.separating the two independent clauses by using semicolon(;)or a period(.)
Ex:Ali goes school he studies hard.(fused sentence)
ali goes to school,He studies hard
ali goes to school ;he stuies hard

2.linking the two clauses with a comma (,) + coordinating conjuction or conjunction adverb.
Ex:ali goes to school ,and he studies hard
ex:ali goes to school;besides,he studies hard.

3.Subordinating one clause to another
(subordinate clause +independent clause)
because ali goes to school ,he studies hard.

subordinate phrase +independent clause)
because of school, ali studies hard
"you are clever " said ali, "you are also good"
تصحيح الجمله
"you are clever"said ali."you are also good"
                           Chapter 5 : Modifiers

Modifiers can:
1.qualify تحدد the meaning (happy, old, new)
2.restrict تقيد the meaning (some,few,much)
3intensify تقوى the meaning (very,more ,less)
4.make a comparison (taller,smallest)


Adjectives modify nouns pronouns on agroup of words acting as nouns.

Articles such as (a,an,the) are regarded adjectives.

adjectives are not pluralized in english.

Adjectives are formed from other parts of speech by adding a suffix.

The order of adjectives:
1.Determiner such as : articles (a,an,the), numerals (one,two),pronouns (his,her)
2.Evaluator (happy,clear)
3.physical descriptor (size,shape,age,color) big,rounded,old,white small,square,young ,red
4.origin (egyption,english)
5.Material (wooden,brick)
6.Purpose (pizza)

A round Italian pizza pan

A fascinating old village 

The function of adjectives:
It can be subject complement or object complement 

Ali is happy  ====>       subject complement
Ali made Ahmed crazy==> Object complement


One-syllable adjectives and adverbs and two-syllable adjectives by adding (er)
Ex:Tall :taller
_Longer adjectives and most adverbs by using (more-less)
Quickly : more/less quicly

* Superlative:

One-syllaple and two syllaple adjectives and adverbs by adding (est).
_longer:adjectives and some adverbs by using (most-least)
Quickly:most /least quickly
-A few common modifiers have  irregular forms
Good/well :better-best

Modify verbs,adjectives,and other adverbs
Ex.Eat quickly
she looked angrily at me.

-Adverbs answer the qustion (how? when>where?
Ex.leela played her part perfectly.(how?)(Averb of manner)
I want to go home early.(when?)(Adverb of time)
I put the cat outside.(where?)(adverb of place)
                                Dangling Modifiers
Dangling modifier: refers to a verbal phrase (participle ) that do not modify any particular word .

It is also a complex seatence without the subject and conjuction in the subordinate clause.

Dangling Tuning the television to cnn , the state of the union speech reached millions of voters.

Revised:Tuning the television to CNN .Millions of voters listend to the state of the union speech.

How to revise the dangling modifier:

!.Change the subject of the independent clause so that refers to the dangling modifier.
Ex.Coming from school early, I found the lunch was ready (dangling)
Coming from school early, I found the lunch ready.

2.Change the dangling modifier into a subordinate clause by adding a conjuction+subject+verb.
Ex.Coming from school early ,the lunch was ready (dangling)
When i came from school early,lunch was ready.

*A double negative is in correct:

_It refers to the use of two negatives within a sentence or clause to epress a single negation.
Ex.He didn't keep (XnoX) (any) records.

I don't know no one.(double negative)
I don't know anyone.(correct)
I know no one.(correct)
                                       ___________________________________                  chapter 6 : pronouns
Case (subjective or objective )applies to pronouns.
Number (singular or plural ) applies to pronoun .

Kinds of pronouns:

1.Personal pronouns (I, we ,you ,etc.)
2.Relative pronouns (who ,which ,etc)
3.Reflexive pronouns (himself,themselves,etc)
4.Interrogative pronouns (who,what,etc)

Person   subjective     Objective   possessive 
         [singular-plural]     s.    pl.         s.     pl. 
First              I      we      me  us      my  our                                                          mine  ours
second    you   you   you  you   yours  yours
third          he  they      him  them        his  their 
                      she                     her      hers  theirs
                          it                         it                   its    ________________________________________

2.Relative pronouns:
_Relative pronouns (who-whom-whoever-which-whose-that)
Introduce clauses that refers to a noun in the main clause.

Ex. Julieta, who is my sister , lives in atlanta.
(who-whose-whom)refer to people.
(which)refer to things.
(that) refer to people and things,
-The possessive pronoun (whose)sometimes refers to things (in place of which)
Ex.The poem , whose author is unknown,has recently been set to music.

The interrogative pronouns (who and whom)ask questions and change form to reflect their grammatical use in sentence.

Ex. Who asked the question ? (subjective case)

Who comes today?  (subjective)
Whom did you meet? (objective)
whose car is this ? (possessive)

4 -Reflexive/Intensive pronouns:

-(Myself-ourselves-yourself-himself-hereself-itself-themselves)referto the subject.
-Intensive pronouns are used for emphasis and indistinguishable in form from  the reflexives.
Ex.Jake saw a picture of himself . (reflexive)
Jake,himself,brought it here.(intersive).


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